Wednesday, April 25, 2007

EWC Criminal Justice Club Places at National Competition

Eastern Wyoming College’s Criminal Justice Club, Beta Upsilon Delta, traveled to Wilmington Delaware in March to compete in the American Criminal Justice Association’s 2007 National Convention. EWC Criminal Justice faculty members Rick Patterson and Larry Curtis along with eight students participated in the six-day competition.

Events included firearms, physical agility, crime scene investigation, and academic competitions. There were over 400 individuals involved in the competition, representing 98 two and four year colleges.

After the competition, EWC also found out that they were the second place chapter at the competition. EWC’s Jackie Mehrens Top Academic Award is a very prestigious award. This award is based on total points earned in academic areas.

Dr. Patterson stated, “We were very pleased with the chapter’s performance. Our students did an outstanding job of competing with students from much larger schools and represented EWC’s Criminal Justice Program very well. Ms. Mehren’s awards were especially significant. This is the second consecutive year for her to take the Top Academic Award. It is believed that she is the first to do so in the 70 year history of the organization.”

Photo Caption: EWC Criminal Justice Club students are pleased to show the trophies won at the recent national competition. Shown are back row, l-r, Matt Gutierrez, Ann Thomas, Robert Mosbacher, KC Rayburn, and Lawrence Curtis, Criminal Justice Instructor. Front row, l-r include: Dane Pearson, Pam Ellis, Mark Munoz, Jackie Mehrens, and Dr. Richard Patterson, Criminal Justice Instructor.


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