Thursday, April 26, 2007

EWC SkillsUSA Team

EWC SkillsUSA participated in the Wyoming SkillsUSA Championships April 23-25 in Casper with 14 students and 4 advisors attending. EWC was awarded High Scoring chapter for the fourth (4th) year in a row. All who participated represented EWC favorably by performing to their best ability, evidenced by the total medals received. Below is a list of each competition, student participant, and level of achievement (Places 1-3 received metals). The students who earned gold advance to the National SkillsUSA Championships in June and will travel to Kansas City, MO.
Aaron McCloud-3rd
Cody Wesch-5th

Computer Maintenance Technology
Cindy Barth-1st

Customer Service
Heather Kreiling-1st
Eva Carlton-2nd

Job Interview
Aaron McCloud-2nd
Eva Carlton-3rd
Tammie Lieurance-4th
Beth Jackson-6th
Heather Kreiling-7th
Cindy Barth-8th

Job Skills Demonstration A
Cody Wesch-2nd
Cindy Barth-3rd

Medical Math
Beth Jackson-1st

Opening and Closing Ceremonies
EWC team (Carlton, McCloud, Jackson, Kreiling, Hetland, Wesch, Barth)-1st

Precision Machine Technology
Cory Biggs-3rd

Prepared Speech
Morgan Hetland-3rd

Technical Computer Applications
Eva Carlton-1st
Morgan Hetland-2nd

Dan Yerke-1st
Travis Dunivent-4th
Kole Kidd-5th

The advisors for the team are Darci Duran, John Ely, Kristi McGuire, and Russell Pontarolo.


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