Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Lancer Post Wins National Award

The Eastern Wyoming College Lancer Post strives to provide a quality publication for its student body, faculty, and community members. In the spring of 2006, the paper earned a second place award in the American Scholastic Press Association collegiate newspaper competition.
“That was the first time we entered the competition, which is actually a critiquing service,” Angie Babcock, newspaper advisor said. “We noticed that they placed us in the category of schools with enrollments over 2,500, which is probably not where we should have been; nonetheless, we felt good about how we fared. “
The comments and suggestions have paid off for the Lancer Post. Babcock entered issues of the 2006 Lancer Post to the Scholastic Press Association once again to be critiqued for awards issued in Spring, 2007.
“This year, our goal was to win a First Place award,” Babcock said. “However, we surpassed that goal, receiving First Place with Special Merit.”
According to Babcock, Lancer Post staff have won awards in every competition they have entered, most of which have been statewide or regional contests.
“This award carries the most prestige, both because it is a national award and because of the caliber and number of colleges entered,” Babcock said.
First Place with Special Merit is given to a publication that scores over 900 points and, in the opinion of the judge, is an outstanding overall example of a scholastic publication in format, content, and presentation. The Lancer Post received 975 points, achieving perfect scores in the areas of content coverage, editing and creativity, and 170 of 175 possible points in page design.
“You have an excellent school newspaper, which shows the talent of your editors, reporters, writers, photographers, layout designer and advisor,” wrote Dr. Robert Plass, contest director.
The students who can be given credit for this award are Angie Birch, Rosalee Burnitt, Andrew Davis, Tiekola Fortune, Matt Lehmitz, Tammie Lieurance, Tim McFarland, Chelsie Schaefer, Tim Naylor, Crystal Wells, and Contributing Writer Rachelle Aleman.
“These students can be very proud of their achievement,” Babcock said. “They worked hard in this class which carries only one credit hour. They are driven by their own initiative, interest, and enthusiasm. It has been my pleasure to work with them.”

Caption: Eastern Wyoming College journalism students, recipients of the American Scholastic Press Association First Place with Special Merit award for their publication The Lancer Post, were honored at the Board of Trustees meeting. Shown are, l-r, Angie Babcock, advisor, Angie Birch, Journalism Club president, Tim McFarland, Lancer Post editor, and cartoonist Tim Naylor.


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